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  1. norskadana - finanční pomoc
    15. 8. 2023 23:03

    Dobrý den, potřebujete zprostředkovatelskou půjčku na financování vašeho projektu, kontaktujte nás e-mailem pro vaši rychlou půjčku s velmi dostupnou úrokovou sazbou, výše půjčky od 10 000 Kč/eur do 10 000 000 kontaktujte nás pro více informací o nebankovní půjčce přes e-mailem: norskadana9@gmail.com
    Whatsapp: +420 234 674 180

  2. Častula Michal - Potřebujete finanční pomoc
    14. 8. 2023 16:13

    Půjčka založená na důvěře se zárukou Zkoušeli jste získat půjčku od bank bez úspěchu? Potřebujete nutně peníze na splacení dluhu? Potřebujete peníze na rozšíření nebo vytvoření vašeho podnikání? Poskytujeme půjčky s tvrdými penězi a jakýkoli jiný typ půjčky s úrokem od 3% - 5%. Poskytujeme půjčky po celé ČR od 10 000,00 do 100 000 000 Kč. Financujeme 100% záruku, Odpovězte na tento e-mail: michalcastula45@gmail.com

  3. Priyanka Raj - Recovery
    12. 8. 2023 1:27

    Everything occurred so quickly. I was at work one morning when I received an email from blockchain asking me to verify my wallet address for safety reasons, which I did thinking it was the appropriate blockchain email address sending the mail to me. I then clicked a file that was attached to the email, that's when everything went wrong. My personal computer collapsed for a brief period, and then I got an alert that my Bitcoin had been submitted into a different wallet. I tried emailing the blockchain support since I was so enraged and perplexed to see if there was any chance I could get my bitcoins back, but they stated there was nothing they could do. I gave up on it for a little period of time. I was informed that I could actually find Bitcoin with the aid of a hacker. I requested assistance from jamesmckaywizard who was introduced to me through a colleague. They only required the information from my own wallet. The money was found in my wallet in less than 4 working days, and it turned out that the intruder had already spent some of it, leaving me with only about 53,820.00 bitcoins. I'm still pleased and happy, jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com deserves every bit of praise for the fantastic job they did. They are influential on WhatsApp and email. jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com or What'sapp +919863293475

  4. fatova - fatovalenka@gmail.com
    11. 8. 2023 10:40

    Hledáte půjčku na dům, na podnikání, na koupi auta,
    začít svůj vlastní podnik pro osobní potřeby každého
    potřebuje půjčku s nominální úrokovou sazbou 3%
    Kontaktujte mě s následujícími údaji: fatovalenka@gmail.com

    9. 8. 2023 7:05


    my name is Mrs. Vivian Salem, I am the widow to the late Mr. Nasim Salem in Iraq. Over one year ago, I lost my husband Nasim and three children (Husam, 15 years old, Wasim, 12 years old and Merna, 6 years old) this happened when an American Combatant Military Tank shelled our car as my family attempted to flee heavy fighting in Baghdad.

    My husband was a renowned Industrialist in Iraq, until his tragic death, he left sum manifold amounts with a Security & Finance Firm in Europe for safe keeping. My reason for contacting you is that Baghdad - Iraq is no longer a safe place for investment for the fear of encountering the same experience my late husband encountered. Since massive bomb attacks. my need to invest this money in your country, either in real estate or any viable business venture you may suggest is of vital importance. Based on this point I seek for your assistance as a reliable partner to proceed to complete this project with me abroad.

    If you are interested in assisting me to invest this cash in your country and becoming my business partner, please try to contact me as soon as possible Hoping to have an opulence pact with you on communal trust.

    Best Regards

    Vivian Salem

  6. darvis - seriózní nabídka půjčky
    26. 7. 2023 10:29

    Rychlá půjčka: darvismontes3@gmail.com cz
    Mám kapitál, který bude sloužit k poskytování krátkodobých a dlouhodobých zvláštních půjček od 50000 Kč do 500.000.000 Kč pro každého, kdo chce, aby byl tento úvěr vážný. Zájem ve výši 2% ročně v závislosti na půjčené částce, protože zejména nechceme porušovat zákon. Můžete splácet až 3 až 30 let v závislosti na výši úvěru. Je na vás, abyste prováděl měsíční platby. Požaduji pouze uznání certifikovaného ručně dlužného dluhu a některé části jsou také potřebné

  7. Recovery Intel - cryptocoinintel@gmail.com
    19. 7. 2023 15:48


    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
    All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
    Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

    Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

    Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
    asorehackcorp@ gmail com

    Stay Safe out there !

  8. Hershel Paige - Crypto-Currency Recovery!!!
    11. 7. 2023 14:09

    Please, everyone should tread carefully with all these crypto brokers and crypto mining managers on social networks. I was duped with a whooping sum $ 640,000 of my investment capital by a broker I met via #Telegram. They kept on assuring me of my investment success growth while requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request could be accepted and processed to access my investment, at the end of all my constant deposit, I lost all my money. All efforts trying to get them to return all I had invested with them was futile because they kept asking me for more money. I found myself in a very confusing state till recently when I was introduced to this group of Ethical Hackers. I wrote an email on ( cybergenie(@)cyberservices .co m) to them detailing my experience with that crypto broker, and they replied to me to provide proof of my investment with the said broker which I did, Lo and behold, before the end of the day, I got a notification from Trust Wallet of an incoming deposit, all that I lost was retrieved successfully..

    10. 7. 2023 13:23

    All of you, hello. Oliver Gabriel here, speaking on behalf of a respectable recovery company. For all bitcoin recovery requirements, I advise visiting https://.coinrecoveryspecialists.com. I would today be homeless and heavily in debt if coinrecoveryspecialists hadn't assisted me in recovering all the money that had been fraudulently taken from me through bitcoin investments. I sincerely appreciate his help and professionalism in making sure I get everything back, whether I'm at home, in jail, or both. After receiving their communication, I contacted them and informed them that I was a fictional cryptocurrency and FX investor. In less than 48 hours, all of the money that had been taken from me using Bitcoins had been restored to me. anyone who might have the same issue I recommend you to contact  via this information. 

    +44 7448 074936...WhatsApp

    29. 5. 2023 17:16

    My $1.65 million dolllars was stolen by a phoney wallet that refused to let me withdraw it. Their moniker was Coinbox/vip. When I launch the browser on my phone, the platforms page opens with the Coinbase logo. The legal description of their app wallet mentions Coinbase, and the help centre button links to Coinbase help. However, when I contacted Coinbase, they responded via email that they are not affiliated with Coinbox. Coinbox has now informed me that I must pay a 185k tax before receiving my funds. I immediately opened a case with Owlet tech recovery . com, a guaranteed recovery company, they patched me through MR MORRIS GRAY their smart contract developers on Whatsapp with [+1 (607) 698 0239 ] who then immediately performed a smart contract audit using digital triangulation from outsourced wallets. I’m crying right now as I just received a deposit of 127.4 Btc in my trust wallet. I’m now waiting for the Ethereum gas fee to come through so I can detach the remaining from outsourced wallets. his Email is: Morrisgray 830 @ gmail . com...

  11. Oliver Gabriel - Re: AH MUST READ FOR How I Recovered My Stolen BitcoinANYONE WHO HAS EVER FALLEN FOR CRYPTO SCAM BEFORE!!!
    10. 7. 2023 13:22

    All of you, hello. Oliver Gabriel here, speaking on behalf of a respectable recovery company. For all bitcoin recovery requirements, I advise visiting https://.coinrecoveryspecialists.com. I would today be homeless and heavily in debt if coinrecoveryspecialists hadn't assisted me in recovering all the money that had been fraudulently taken from me through bitcoin investments. I sincerely appreciate his help and professionalism in making sure I get everything back, whether I'm at home, in jail, or both. After receiving their communication, I contacted them and informed them that I was a fictional cryptocurrency and FX investor. In less than 48 hours, all of the money that had been taken from me using Bitcoins had been restored to me. anyone who might have the same issue I recommend you to contact  via this information. 

    +44 7448 074936...WhatsApp

  12. Frank - franklinheister@gmail.com
    9. 7. 2023 7:10


    Garry Speed Hack is currently collecting funds
    back for all victims who fall into scams, Hurry up and
    contact him explain your situation to him he will help you
    in all crypto scam recovery
    funds, bitcoin scam recovery, investment scam, mobile spy,
    hacking contact him on
    Email:(wzardgarryspeedhack (at) gmail (dot) com)
    WhatsAp: +1 ( 626 ) 557 - 1615
    Website: https://wzardgarryspeedhac.wixsite.com/my-site-1
    when you require his service please say
    Fred Brown referred you

  13. Stanley Alastair - stanleyalastair449@gmail.com
    1. 7. 2023 16:49

    Have you been a victim of a fraudulent Ponzi scheme or are you experiencing trouble accessing your bitcoin wallet? For a 100% guaranteed wallet recovery and return of your misplaced bitcoin, contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery can provide you with high-quality tools that can speed up the recovery procedure regardless of how long it has been since you last had access to your wallet, whether you sent bitcoins to the wrong wallet or were the victim of a bitcoin investment scam. For your opportunity to recover your lost bitcoin using the method described above, act quickly and contact Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery using the details provided below.

    Email for contact: prowizardgilbertrecovery@engineer.com
    WhatsApp: +1 (859) 443‑5876

  14. Catherine Murray - murraycatherine69@gmail.com
    28. 6. 2023 23:12

    Considering Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery assists consumers in recovering lost cryptocurrency cash, I chose to try out their services. I can attest to Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery because I employed their service after I suffered a substantial financial loss due to a questionable online cryptocurrency investment. To be quite honest, I had my doubts at first, but to my astonishment, they were able to find my missing money in just a few weeks. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery worked with professionalism and effectiveness. All I have done up to this point is admire their efforts, thus I made the decision to educate the public of how excellent Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery is. Email them at: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com ~ WhatsApp +1 (859) 443‑5876 to get in touch with them

  15. Kenneth Amanda - kennethamanda042@gmail.com
    27. 6. 2023 12:04

    I suggest using Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery for all of your cryptocurrency and digital asset recovery needs. They assisted me in recovering my money because I was one of their clients. When it comes to recovering cryptocurrency, they truly are the finest. My money was placed on a bitcoin trading platform that went down earlier this month. Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery was able to retrieve my money from the crashed platform when I got in touch with them after finding their website. I am posting this here for everyone to see since it made me so happy. You can get in touch with Pro Wizard Gilbert Recovery using the details listed below.

    Email: prowizardgilbertrecovery(@)engineer.com


    17. 6. 2023 17:06

    I fell for a scam that led to a romance forex scam, I’m retired and 65 years old. I got a text from a guy and his partner pretending to be legitimate forex traders, and I now have $489,300 of my retirement trading funds Locked up in their trading account. I never imagine myself falling for such a scam but they pretended to be legitimate businessmen and investors. Luckily for me, I was able to stumble across AstraWeb Cyber Security while researching online about how to recover my locked cryptocurrency.
    With the help of Astraweb Security, I was able to recover my cryptocurrency funds. I did my due diligence but without the right information, I wouldn’t have recovered my funds. I’m truly grateful to Astraweb cyber security for assisting me and being so professional in helping me recover my funds.
    Their customer support team can be reached via

    E-mail: Astraweb@cyberdude .com

    WebSite: Astrawebcybersecurity .net

    Whats-App: +13239048824

    Be rest assured, astraweb security will help you recover your cryptocurrency.

  17. WALKER - walkeremma351@gmail.com
    10. 6. 2023 11:54

    HELLO EVERYONE, We offer a variety of loans to our customers worldwide without cost or stress.Whatever your loan needs are, large or small, personal or mortgage, we are ready to talk with you about how we can meet your needs.and how you can get this loan online transfer and account access online Let us help you arrange financing and also get a very legit loan.We are a registered and recognized financial house that gives out loans at a low interest rate to every serious persons or company.
    if interested contact us via E-mail address: walkeremma351@gmail.com

    Yours Sincerely
    Emma Walker

  18. WALKER - walkeremma351@gmail.com
    10. 6. 2023 11:50

    HELLO EVERYONE, We offer a variety of loans to our customers worldwide without cost or stress.Whatever your loan needs are, large or small, personal or mortgage, we are ready to talk with you about how we can meet your needs.and how you can get this loan online transfer and account access online Let us help you arrange financing and also get a very legit loan.We are a registered and recognized financial house that gives out loans at a low interest rate to every serious persons or company.
    if interested contact us via E-mail address: walkeremma351@gmail.com

    Yours Sincerely
    Emma Walker

  19. Liam Jackman - Consult a Btc//Crypto Experts RECOVERY MASTERS
    7. 6. 2023 19:18

    I will Forever be grateful and give credits to professional experts RECOVERY MASTERS.The group of hackers were able to retrieve my bitcoin worth over $240k in my Trust Bitcoin Wallet after I lost my wallet's password and had tried all the means including paying fake Recovery experts lot's sum of funds.I was referred to him by one of my work's colleague who had worked with the team recently to recover her stolen investment with a false binary investment company.Their response and services were Top notch.For any hacking services you can consult them through; Whatsapp +1(204)819-5505. or email them (Recoverymasters@email.cz)

  20. ESTHER Lucas - jeansonjamesanchetawizard62@gmail.com
    6. 6. 2023 1:03

    I want Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Services to know how appreciative I am, a trustworthy hacker who accompanied me in getting back the USD 105,000 I had lost to online fraudulent perpetrators. I came across this investment platform online and made the decision to invest $105,000 in it with the hope that it would increase in value. Despite making a variety of attempts to contact the platform because their contact information was no longer available, I was never able to get my money back, neither capital nor profit. To great online evaluations, I learned about Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Services, and I contacted them right away. With the use of their cutting-edge hacking technology, Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Services assisted in recovering my lost USD105,000. In view of the fact that I can’t express my appreciation to Jeanson James Ancheta wizard Services abundantly, I will only be able to leave them an excellent evaluation. Anyone with similar problems should contact them via: (jeansonjamesanchetawizard62@gmail.com) or Telegram: (+31684518136).